A downloadable game

arrow keys or W A S D to move

S to crouch

get all the strawberries and abilities

HEAVY WIP I'm sorry life problems i couldn't finish it

but I do plan to finish it in the future so follow this to stay updated i guess

In the game you play as Lesser Cat. Their neighbor Mr Cat is restless and in distress as he is out of strawberries. And Mr Cat will only eat strawberries. So our of the goodness of your heart (and a small threat of being eaten) you go out on an adventure to collect three strawberries hidden high, low, and in the mountains. Good luck.

This game is inspired by a kids book of mine (roughly translated to) "The lion that likes strawberries" about, as you guessed it, a lion who rejects all foods but strawberries.

That book is such a passion of mine I do plan to revisit the game I made here and finish it. All of the assets currently are placeholders so do not worry. If you find this idea intriguing, please do follow and I'll truly try to finish it by the end of the month. I am a school student but I'll still try my best.


Mr Cat Only Eats Strawberries.exe 87 MB


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(1 edit)

check out the soundtrack here!
